In 2008, Doctor Qu received his doctor's degree in Physics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. In 2009, he joined Paris Institute of Geophysics (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris/ IPGP) of France national center of scientific research (CNRS) and the University of Paris Diderot, France, as a Postdoctoral Research Engineer. In December 2010, he joined the School of Physics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology as an Associate Professor. His research interests include space inertial sensor development and data analysis.
Academic Degrees
2008: Received doctoral degree in Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Professional Experience
2010-Present: Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
2009-2010: Postdoctoral Research Engineer, Paris Institute of Geophysics(Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris / IPGP) of France national center of scientific research (CNRS) and University of Paris Diderot, France.
Selected Publications
1.Shao-bo Qu*, Olivier Robert*, Philippe Lognonné, Ze-Bing Zhou, Shan-Qing Yang, Low Frequency Noise Elimination Technique for 24-bit Σ-Δ Data Acquisition Systems, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015,86(3).
2. Z. B. Zhou,S. B. Qu, H. B.Tu, Y. Z.Bai, S. C.Wu, J. Luo*, PROGRESS OF GROUND TEST OF INERTIAL SENSOR FOR ASTROD I, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2008, 17(7).
3.Tian, W., Wu, S. C.*, Zhou, Z. B.,Qu, S. B., Bai, Y. Z., Luo, J., High resolution space quartz-flexure accelerometer based on capacitive sensing and electrostatic control technology, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2012, 83(9).
Awards and Honors
• National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.41104116.
Courses Taught
• College Physics;
• College Physics Experiments.