Doctor Wang received his doctor's degree in Astrophysics from Nanjing University in June 2011. Before that, he was a co-supervised graduate student between Nanjing University and the Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy at the University of Texas in Brownsville (UTB). He obtained his M.Sc degree in Physics in May 2009 from UTB, and received his B.Sc. in astronomy from Nanjing University in June 2006. He was a NSF-PIRE postdoctoral research associate working in the Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy at UTB. In 2014, he began working as a faculty member in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Wang's research interest covers the gravitational waves, relativistic astrophysics, and radio astronomy. The astronomical system which he has been concerned with includes pulsars, black holes and accretion disks. He is a member of the North American Nano-hertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves and the TianQin space-borne gravitational wavedetector project, both of which are aimed to detect gravitational waves from the cosmos.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. in Astrophysics, 2011, the School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University.
M.Sc. in Physics, 2009, the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Texas at Brownsville, U.S.
B.Sc. in Astronomy, 2006, the Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University.
Professional Experience
2014.09-Present: Associate Professor, the School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
2015.06-2015.09: Visiting Scholar, the School of Physics, University of Western Australia, Australia
2011.09-2014.10: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy, University of Texas at Brownsville, U.S.
Selected Publications
1. Yan Wang, Soumya Mohanty and Fredrick Jenet. "Coherent Network Analysis for Continuous Gravitational Wave Signals in a Pulsar Timing Array: Pulsar Phases as Extrinsic Parameters". The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 815, Issue 2, article id. 125, 13 pp. (2015).
2. Yan Wang, Soumya Mohanty and Fredrick Jenet. "A Coherent Method for the Detection and Parameter Estimation of Continuous Gravitational Wave Signals Using a Pulsar Timing Array". The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 795, Issue 1, article id. 96, 15 pp. (2014).
3. Yan Wang and Xiang-dong Li. "Strong field effects on emission line profiles: Kerr black holes and warped accretion disks". The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 744, Issue 2, pp. 186-197. (2012).
4. Yan Wang, Teviet Creighton, Richard Price and Fredrick Jenet. "Strong Field Effects on Pulsar Arrival Times: General Orientations". The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 705, Issue 2, pp. 1252-1259. (2009).
5. Yan Wang, Fredrick Jenet, Teviet Creighton and Richard Price. "Strong Field Effects on Pulsar Arrival Times: Circular Orbits and Equatorial Beams". The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 697, Issue 1, pp. 237-246. (2009).
Awards and Honors
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 11503007 (2016-2018)
Courses Taught
• University Physics
• Observational Astrophysics