Doctor Bai Yanzheng received his doctoral degree in Radio Physics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China in 2010. He is presently an Associate Professor in the School of Physics, HUST. His research interests include Space Inertial Sensors and Accelerometers, Precision Gravity Measurements.
Academic Degrees
2004.09~2010.01: Ph.D. in Radio Physics at CGE, the School of Physics, HUST;
2000.09~2004.06: Bachelor in Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument, the School of Automation, HUST
Professional Experience
2016-Present: Associate Professor, the School of Physics, HUST;
2013-2016: Assistant Professor, the School of Physics, HUST;
2010~2013: Postdoc at Center for Gravitational Experiment (CGE), the School of Physics, HUST
Selected Publications
1.Y Z Bai, L Fang, J Luo, H Yin, Z B Zhou(*), Improving the measurement sensitivity of angular deflection of a torsion pendulum by an electrostatic spring, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015, 32(17): 175018。
2.Yan-zheng Bai, Ze-bing Zhou(*), Hai-bo Tu, Shu-chao Wu, Lin Cai, Li Liu, Jun Luo, Capacitive position measurement for high-precision space inertial sensor, Frontiers of Physics in China, 2009, 4(2): 205-208。
3.M. Hu, Y. Z. Bai(*), Z. B. Zhou(*), Z. X. Li, J. Luo, Resonant frequency detection and adjustment method for a capacitive transducer with differential transformer bridge, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, 85(5): 055001。
4.L Liu, Y Z Bai(*), Z B Zhou(*), H Yin, D Y Tan, J Luo, Measurement of the effect of a thin discharging wire for an electrostatic inertial sensor with a high-quality-factor pendulum, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2012, 29(5): 055010。
Awards and Honors
• National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.41404140
Courses Taught
• College Physics
• Precision Measurement Physics