On December 3,2021, ultrafast optical group led by Prof. Lu Peixiang Published an online paper entitled “Highly Tunable Enhancement and Switching of Nonlinear Emission from All-Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskites via Electric Field”on Nano Letters
Abstract: Herein, we demonstrate a highly tunable enhancement and switching of nonlinear emission from all-inorganic metalhalide perovskites based on an asymmetrically biased metal− insulator−semiconductor (MIS) structure. We achieve 2 orders ofmagnitude enhancement of the two-photon-pumped photoluminescence (TPL) from CsPbBr3 microplates with the MIS structure, due to comprehensive effects including localized field effect, trapfilling effect, and collection enhancement. In particular, takingadvantage of electric-field-induced passivation/activation of Br vacancies, we realize highly tunable TPL enhancement, rangingfrom∼61.2-fold to∼370.3-fold. Moreover, we demonstrate anefficient modulation of the two-photon-pumped lasing from the MIS structure, which exhibits electric field induced switching with a highon/off ratio of 67:1. This work has opened new avenues for steering carrier transport and nonlinear emission in lead halideperovskites, which shows great promise for realizing high-efficiency and tunable nonlinear nanophotonic devices.

Figure. (a) Dark-field PL images of the MIS structure with voltages varying from −12 V to +12 V. (b) Measured TPL spectra with voltages varying from −12 V to +12 V. (c) Plots of TPL intensities versus voltage for the MIS structure (red dots) and bare CsPbBr3 microplate (blue dots).(d) Plot of the TPL enhancement factor of the MIS structure versus voltage. Inset: Reversible electric field modulated TPL in the MIS structure
Prof. Lu Peixiang and Associate Prof. Liu Weiwei is the co-corresponding authors of the paper. The first author is PhD students Gao Yan from the School of Physics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and youth teacher Li Xiaohong from Wuhan Institute of Technology. Prof. Wang Bing from the School of Physics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Prof. Wang Kai from the School of Physics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology also made significant contributions to the research work.This work was financially supported by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China (Grants 11804109 and11674117) and The National Natural Science Foundation ofChina for Innovative Research Groups (Grant 12021004).
Link to this paper: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c03142